Yoga of recovery

I have worked closely with Studio House Drug and Rehabilitation centre for a year, providing the residents with weekly yoga session to support their recovery.  Through this work I wanted to extend my knowledge further and went to the USA and completed a 100 hour certification Yoga Of Recovery course which provided me with detailed knowledge of integrating the wisdom of Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda and traditional recovery tools to help overcome addictive and self-destructive behaviour.

This in-depth programme has had really positive effects on the residents when asked, how yoga has impacted on their recovery and if they will continue doing yoga practices once they have completed Studio house ?

Here is some feedback from the residents.

“Yoga has defiantly helped me from some states of over-thinking, as well as generally improving my health in all aspects.  It has allowed me to continue along my recovery in a more positive and capable state of being.  I am wanting to carry on with the practice of yoga when I finish the programme at Studio House”.

“It has helped me in my recovery by helping me, feel more relaxed and at peace in my mind which helps me deal with problems I might face”.